Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Information About Laser Surgery For Stretch Marks

Recently, there has been a great interest on the use of laser surgery for stretch marks. A lot of treatment has been said to prevent, reduce and remove this problem. One of them is the use of laser treatment.

These lines, streaks and marks are unsightly red to white lines that frequently appear in the abdomen, thigh, breasts, hips, upper arms, underarms and buttocks. The main reason for its occurrence is the proliferation of the hormone glucocorticoid. People, who are pregnant, obese and undergoing puberty, are the most likely to contract them.

This may not present a major health concern, but for most people, it is a cause for cosmetic alarm.

This is the primary reason why they want it to be removed. More and more people are resorting to laser therapy in the removal of stretch marks.

Laser is a beam of light concentrated to transmit its energy to the desired area. This enables their energy to change body tissues as desired. Different modalities in laser surgery for stretch marks are being used. Radio frequency, fractional laser resurfacing and CO2 fractional lasers are among those that are being used today. What they all have in common is that, they are all developed to remove skin with more precision. This is accomplished by removing skin layer by layer with the use of pulsed light energy or light beams. These light beams remove layers of skin and allow the growth of new skin. The growth of new skin is said to replace the stretch marks.

According to experts, laser surgery for stretch marks is best for lines that are recent and still reddish.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Revitol Stretch Mark Reviews Is it As Good As it Says it Is?

There are many Revitol stretch mark reviews available that virtually all say the same thing. This product prevented my stretch marks. This product cleared up my stretch markings. This product is the stretch mark cream that I've been waiting for. Well I've tried it, and let me tell you, most of the Revitol stretch mark reviews are right on the money.

If you are like me then you are probably skeptical of products that sound to good to be true. But Revitol only sounds too good too be true because there are so many bad products out there. So many of us have tried skin care products only to be left with an empty wallet, and bad skin. But don't let these bad apples ruin the bunch. If I had let that happen I would have never tried Revitol. And if I had never tried Revitol I would still have stretch markings.

After reading a lot of revitol stretch mark reviews I figured that it was time to try it for myself.

Revitol offers a free trial, and they also guarantee your money back. So what is there to lose. I started using Revitol almost a year ago, and today, my skin looks beautiful. It took me so long to write a review, because it took Revitol a little while to work.

My skin felt healthier in the first couple of days but I didn't see any results for a couple of weeks.

These results were also small. You could tell that the degree of the stretch markings was beginning to lessen, but only if you really looked. But I had faith, and kept using the cream for a few months. At about six months, there was a real significant difference. The orange peels weren't gone but they were getting there. Today, I almost a new a woman.